What It Is Like Living in a Sober House: A Complete Guide

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There are several limitations to the study that are important to consider. First, we could not directly compare which type of SLH was most effective because there were demographic and other individual characteristics that differed between the two types of houses. Second, individuals self selected themselves into the houses and a priori characteristics of these individuals may have at least in part accounted for the longitudinal improvements.

Is it hard to stay sober?

Even with the support of family and friends, staying sober is never easy. Recovery from alcohol or drug addiction is a lifelong process with many challenges along the way. Sometimes, it might seem like riding out the tough moments is impossible, especially during major events like Christmas or a friend's birthday.

The second phase allows for more personal autonomy and increased responsibility for one’s recovery. All residents, regardless of phase, are required to be active in 12-step recovery programs, abide by basic house rules, and abstain from alcohol and drugs. A “Resident Congress” consisting of current residents and alumni helps enforce house rules and provides input into the management of the houses. Although the owner/operator of the houses is ultimately responsible, she/he defers to the Residents Congress as much as possible to maintain a peer oriented approach to recovery. In order to be admitted to CSTL prospective residents must have begun some type of recovery program prior to their application. Sober living houses are often recommended for folks finishing up a drug rehabilitation program.Leaving the structure of a treatment program can be jarring, sometimes triggering a relapse.

Are pets allowed in sober living houses in Los Angeles?

Renting an apartment or buying a home means autonomy and responsibility for your actions. You won’t be required to attend recovery meetings or have a built-in support system as you would in a sober living home. Finding a permanent residence is a big step, but a perfectly achievable one.

  • We strongly believe in the importance of each pillar in successful recovery and believe that our system can work for any client who wants to recover, and is willing to go to any lengths to get it.
  • Our mission is to provide a safe, fun, program-oriented setting where residents can find purpose, progress, and build a foundation for a life that is not only free of drugs and alcohol, but flourishing in all aspects.
  • Sober living homes act as the bridge between treatment and the real world, almost like a protective covering for people leaving treatment.
  • Not everyone is ready to work a job after completing addiction treatment, though, and in these cases, many sober living homes recognize they might not be the most affordable out-of-pocket care.
  • Although sober living homes are less restrictive than inpatient facilities, they still have rules that residents must abide by, including curfews and group meeting attendance.
A great way to find a sober living house in your area is first to explore your network. Not all sober living homes are equal, so finding a place that an acquaintance has recommended could be helpful. Going to a sober living house has been proven to support sobriety efforts, with results ranging from a decreased amount of relapses to long-term sobriety. Most residents of these homes have recently completed an inpatient or outpatient treatment program.


This is why each home is conveniently located in close proximity to numerous recovery centers, educational facilities, fitness clubs, fine dining, and more. The Last House Sober Living® is a network of structured sober living homes located in the heart of West Los Angeles. There is a large sober living community in Los Angeles, and we are proud to be apart of this.

What percentage of people who attend AA stay sober?

Alcoholics Anonymous' Big Book touts about a 50% success rate, stating that another 25% remain sober after some relapses.

SLHs have their origins in the state of California and most continue to be located there (Polcin & Henderson, 2008). It is difficult to ascertain the exact number because they are sober house not formal treatment programs and are therefore outside the purview of state licensing agencies. Over 24 agencies affiliated with CAARR offer clean and sober living services.

Addiction Treatment Mismatches

The idea was to remove clients from destructive living environments that encouraged substance use and create new social support systems in treatment. Some programs created halfway houses where clients could reside after they completed residential treatment or while they attended outpatient treatment. Halfway houses serve as a transitional housing facility for persons recovering from alcohol or drug abuse. Most persons in a halfway home have completed a drug treatment program during incarceration or are mandated to live there by court order. Generally, halfway houses put policies in place to keep their occupants sober.

Sober living environments have general guidelines, but usually don’t provide all-inclusive services beyond providing a safe and sober living situation. With our transitional housing in Phoenix, there are a plethora of adventurous activities to explore as well. For individuals who would like to explore the wilderness, Phoenix has hiking trails that offer breathtaking views of the mountains and desert landscapes. Additionally, there are several parks and recreational areas that provide opportunities for camping, biking, and horseback riding. If you prefer to stay indoors, Phoenix has a vibrant arts and culture scene, with museums, galleries, and theaters showcasing a range of exhibits and performances. If you are a fan of animals, you will also enjoy exploring the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center, Phoenix Herpetological Sanctuary, OdySea Aquarium, Dolphinaris Arizona, and the Butterfly Wonderland.

Sober living is just like it sounds, a place to stay where you’ll have a supportive community and can start your new life free from alcohol or other drugs. Residents in sober-living homes commit to abstaining from substance use while participating in outpatient programming or after completing inpatient drug rehab. Anyone who wants to stop drinking alcohol or using drugs should consider joining a sober living community. Many residents complete a rehabilitation program prior to approaching a sober living home, but this is not mandatory.

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